Saturday, May 23, 2020
Self Reflection Paper On Conflict - 1399 Words
A conflict that I have chose to write about is from one of my own experiences. Suchlike, my parent’s divorce in the year of 2007. I have chosen to write about this topic because I was in the middle of the dispute, therefore I know all components of the conflict. If I would have chosen a historical event at a different level, it is possible that I would not know all the details or possibly confuse part of the facts. I would not say writing about my own conflict is any easier because there are still various components to these conflicts, just like any other world wide problem. I tend to look back at this time because it was such an unhappy part in my whole familys life, and I have learned from it. As I stated in my self reflection paper, I†¦show more content†¦My father constantly had a bad attitude and that is where my mom drew the line. When he had a bad day he would come home and take it out on her. My parents had several differences because of having two different c onflict styles. My dad has the conflict style of a competitor. He always has to be right, and when he is not he becomes angry. His style of solving problems is way different than my mother’s, she likes to accommodate to other people (Barsky, 2014, p. 47). Therefore, she had low concern for herself and was always trying to please my father, which was not healthy for her. She went out of her way to satisfy him and when it did not work it made her more upset and obviously my father too. My mother’s emotions were taking over her life. From what I remember when I was younger is that my mother would spend her nights crying at the kitchen table when my father would be out doing chores. After reading Beyond Reason I can put together that she was letting her emotions get the best of her. Her emotions affected the way she ate, the way she interacted with my brothers and me, her thinking, and more aspects of her life. Her emotions were affecting her body in negative way (Fisher and Shapiro, 2006, p. 11). I can see how it would be hard to hide these emotions. If my mother would have been aware of the five core concerns, she would have had an easier way to deal with her emotions. According to Fisher and Shapiro, these fiveShow MoreRelatedManagement and negotiation1332 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Fall 2014 MGT 832 Negotiation and Conflict Management Mondays 2:40pm – 5:30pm. N124 NBC Dr. Jonelle Roth N421 Business College Complex Office Hours: Mon. 1pm – 2:30pm or by appointment Phone: 429-3519 Email: Textbooks: Lewicki, R., Saunders, D., Barry, B. (2010). Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases (6th ed). Irwin/McGraw Hill. Additional course material will be handed out by the instructor during the quarter or posted on ANGEL ( More Personal Development and Reflective Reasoning in Nursing Essay1130 Words  | 5 Pagesof issues and analysis of knowledge and feelings are some stages that are involved in reflection but then identification and integration of new learning is needed as well. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Music Is A Part Of My Life - 1637 Words
I cannot recall a time when music was not a part of my life. Whether I was singing in a choir, jamming out to the radio in my car with the windows rolled down, or simply listening to music while studying, music has had a huge impact on who I have grown up to be and I would never want to change that. Like every other form of art, music is universal and can be enjoyed by people from all different backgrounds. It gives people a chance to understand the world differently rather than simply sitting in class taking a test. Every single time I hear a new song my life changes and I fall in love again. Each student should have the opportunity to fall in love with the arts and change for the better. Although many people regard art education as a luxury, the creative activities found in art classes like music, dance, ceramics, and drawing, are some of the first steps that go towards child development. Learning to appreciate the visual aspect that goes along with art will be very important for t oday s students. Despite the arts being a pivotal part of a child s growth, the government and many school boards believe the arts are not necessary and ultimately not important. Art is often overlooked as attention is focused more on science and math. Many people feel these core classes are more valuable to a child’s education than any art class could ever be. This leads to art being one of the first things to be cut when there is little funding. The arts change students every single day andShow MoreRelatedMusic Is A Big Part Of My Life1075 Words  | 5 PagesMusic is a big part of my life. There is rarely a day I do not listen to it. Whether I am driving in my car or working out at the gym. I started really paying attention to music when I was younger and took dance classes. I took Jazz, Ballet, and Hip Hop. Each style of dance had dramatically different type of music. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Calorimeter Process Free Essays
string(96) " leads to values of the standard information St, the heat content \( or heat content \) HT- HS\." 1. Introduction The study as a survey for nozzle operated under force per unit area difference from 0.1 to 10 bars. We will write a custom essay sample on Calorimeter Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now Under this specification the study discuss the following point. The factor impacting on the nozzle efficiency Application in natural gas Consequence of nozzle efficiency on the quality of burning and how the quality of burning could be enhanced 1.1. Definition The nose defined as: device puting in the flow way to accomplish alteration in force per unit area, temperature and the speed besides it can specify as an mechanical device designed to accomplish commanding procedure on the way or feature of the fuel flow as it exits or entry it can take the form of an closed chamber or pipe via an opening. Mention: http// 1- Pressure We con notice that when the fluids flow through the nose as the force per unit area increased the discharge rate besides increased and all other factor remains changeless. The relationship between the force per unit area and discharge from a nozzle issue is A cardinal equation. The theoretical discharge from any nose Given by the following relation. Flow rate = CA ( 2gh ) 5 C Means the dimensionless coefficient for the peculiar nose in inquiry. A Means the country of the nozzle opening. h- Means the force per unit area caput applied to the nose. G Means the acceleration of gravitation. As the force per unit area acts in the nozzle issue it straight affect to the watercourse of fuel.let us compare in the below figure between the gas watercourse with different force per unit area. 1- Differential force per unit area flow metres In instance of the differential force per unit area bead this device used to cipher the flow by mensurating the force per unit area bead over an obstructor inserted in the flow. The chief thought of the differential force per unit area flow metre is based on the Bernoulli equation. These achieved by mensurating force per unit area bead signal as map of square flow velocity. p1 + 1/2? v12 = p2 + 1/2? v22 The most common types of differential force per unit area flow metres are a- Orifice home base With the utilizing of the opening home base, the fluid flow is measured through the difference in force per unit area from the upstream side to the downstream side. As demoing in figure 1: this procedure used in instance when dont needs for high truth. b- Venturi tubing Its best used in our instance because this setup used in instance of low force per unit area bead between the recess and the mercantile establishment of nose. In the Venturi tubing application the flow rate is measured by cut downing the cross subdivision flow country in the way of the fluid flow After the constricted country, the fluid passes through the force per unit area recovery subdivision. When up to 80 % of the differential force per unit area generated at the constricted country, is recovered with proper instrument and flow calibrating. The venture tubing flow can be less to about 10 per centum of its full graduated table scope with proper truth. c- Flow nose The flow nose are frequently used as measuring elements for gas flow application When the gas accelerated through the nose, the speed addition and the force per unit area so the gas denseness decreased and the maximal speed done in the pharynx subdivision. – Recovery of force per unit area bead in openings, noses and venture metres After the force per unit area difference has been generated in the differential flow metre. The fluid passing during the force per unit area recovery subdivision. By agencies where the differential force per unit area generated at the constricted country is partially recovered 2- Variable country flow metre The rotameter composed of an vertically glass tubing with big terminal in the top subdivision of the chief organic structure of the rotameter and metering float which it free move. when the fluid flow causes the float rise in the tubing and use the relation of I†P = H * g * P Where I†P =pressure difference between recess and mercantile establishment H = float entering P = fluid denseness 3- Velocity flowmeters In this procedure the flow calculated by mensurating the velocity and cipher the force per unit area difference from the following relation p1 p2 = 1/2 P ( v22- P v12 ) 4- Pitot tubings The Pitot tubing are one the most used in air flow measuring. The chief thought for its operation is in step the fluid speed by change overing the kinetic energy to possible energy. 5- Calorimetric flowmeter This device rule for fluid flow measuring is based on two temperature detectors in close contact with the fluid but thermic insulated from each other. one of the two detectors is contactly heated so there are temperature difference between the measuring of the two detectors. 5-turbine flowmeter 6-vortex flowmeter 7-electromagnetic flowmeter 8-ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter 9-positive supplanting flowmeter 10-mass flowmeters 11-thermal flowmeter 12-open channel flowmeter Calorimetric operation theory The chief thought for the operation theory of the calorimetric flowmeter based on measurings for the temperature before and after the nose by utilizing two detector and change overing this difference to signal translated by the use of the gage indexs. When the fluid flow start go throughing into the nose the heat energy is drawn from the heated detector and the temperature difference is straight relative to the fluid flow rate through the nose Advantages and disadvantages of calorimetric flowmeter Advantages Disadvantages 1-high truth at minimal flow rate 1-costs 2- In general lower thermic conduction require higher speed for proper measuring. 2-appear cavitations in high velocity 3-easy in its operation procedure 3-normally operates at low scope 4-High repeatability 4-low noisy factor 5- high dynamic response 6-high sensitiveness 7-small dimension ( portable ) Lab application Calorimetric provides two types of informations. The first type is measuring of the heat capacities. This leads to values of the standard information St, the heat content ( or heat content ) HT- HS. You read "Calorimeter Process" in category "Essay examples" And the heat contents and the informations of rapid stage alterations ( merger, vaporisation, polymorphism ) of a individual stuff. the 2nd type of measuring of heats of chemical reaction ( formation from the elements or the oxides, comparatively stableness of viing stage gatherings, blending in solid and liquids solutions ) either by direct reaction or through a thermchemical rhythm such as is involved. Second application for the nose in the calorimeter is to spray the natural gas to fire it inside the burning chamber. The following figure show illustration for burner noses. 1-Fuel belongingss and the effects of sprays Our fuel used in the calorimeter is the natural gas which takes the name of isooctane ( C2H6 ) and it has the following microstructure Temperature The temperature difference between the recess and the mercantile establishment of the nose besides impacting on the nozzle public presentation this achieved by when the temperature increased this straight set uping on the fuel belongingss specially in its viscousness so in the crude oil applications for the high viscousness sometimes used heating procedure for the fuel before way through the nose. Surface Tension The Surface tenseness in natural is the inclination of the surface of the liquid to undertaking with the smallest possible country. The consequence is usually similar to the tegument environing the organic structure of the liquid and drawing it into the form, which will hold the least sum of the surface country. That form is spherical form. Surface tenseness Natural of flow The natural of fluid flow through the nozzle consequence on its public presentation.for illustration in instance of laminar flow the public presentation of the nose will be better than in instance of turbulent flow. In instance of found a caput it besides affect in the nozzle public presentation. Cleaning Nozzles In instance of utilizing fluids incorporating slatterns and other dusts it concentrated in the chief organic structure of the nose which affect on the nozzle way that cut down the flow rate through the nose which affect on its public presentation. – Spray Forms The Nozzles used for oil burners are provided in two different general types of spray forms, excavate cone and solid cone. These are illustrated in the below Figure. It will be noted in these illustrations that the hollow cone is a spray in which the concentration of droplets is at the outer border of the spray with small or no fuel in the centre of the spray versus the other type of sprays which leads to an failing in the public presentation of the nose. Performance betterment The efficiency of the nozzle depending on several factors it concentrated on Type of sprayer and nose of design The per centum of air to fuel ratio Spark method from warmers to utilize the flicker ignition engineering. Percentage of C on the fuel So in the following subdivision we discuss these factors which it can impact on the nozzle public presentation 1- Flammability ( firing start ) The classical method for illuming the calorimeter is fiting it is non efficient so that we improve the nozzle public presentation from this side by utilizing the flicker ignition engineering. This flicker ignition working depending on supplying it with fixed electromotive force from battery to be able acquire the initial flicker to get down the combustion procedure * The flicker ignition which get the initial flicker to the instrument acquire its power connected by wire ( 3mm ) which connected besides to battery with 12 Vs. 2- Fuel to air ratio In the theory of the stoichiometric mixture has merely plenty air to wholly fire burn the available fuel. In natural this is ne’er rather achieved, due chiefly to the really short clip available in the internal burning chamber for each burning rhythm. Most of this burning procedure completes in about 4-5 msecs. This is the clip that elapses from when the flicker is fired until the combustion procedure completed. The Air fuel ratio is the most common mention term used for mixtures in internal burning engines It is the ratio between the mass of air and the mass of fuel in the fuel-air mix at any given minute For pure natural gas the stoichiometric mixture is about 14.7:1 or? of 1.00 precisely 3-to make a window from the top to see the fire from inside alternatively of opening the system each clip. We must utilize material Cleary to see out from it and work under force per unit area 10 saloon { m C_2H_6 } + frac { 7 } { 2 } { m O_2 } ightarrow 2 { m CO_2 } + 3 { m H_2O } Equivalent ratio The equality ratio of a system is defined as the ratio of the fuel-to-oxidizer ratio to the stoichiometric fuel-to-oxidizer ratio. Mathematically phi = frac { mbox { fuel-to-oxidizer ratio } } { ( mbox { fuel-to-oxidizer ratio } ) _ { st } } = frac { m_ { fuel } /m_ { ox } } { ( m_ { fuel } /m_ { ox } ) _ { st } } = frac { n_ { fuel } /n_ { ox } } { ( n_ { fuel } /n_ { ox } ) _ { st } } 4-carbon per centum in the fuel Natural gas is an highly of import beginning of energy for cut downing pollution and keeping a clean and healthy environment. In add-on to being a domestically abundant and unafraid beginning of energy, the usage of natural gas besides offers a figure of environmental benefits over other beginnings of energy, peculiarly other fossil fuels. This subdivision will discourse the environmental effects of natural gas, in footings of emanations every bit good as the environmental impact of the natural gas industry itself. Scroll down, or chink on the links below to be transported in front. Decision The study is an probe to depict the calorimeter procedure and the system operation with the nozzle public presentation and the method to better its public presentation. So the chief aims from the study are To understand the basic rule of calorimeter and its necessity in technology to look into different types of calorimeters. The advantages and disadvantages utilizing these calorimeters in the technology lab environment. Mentions 1- hypertext transfer protocol: // 2- 3- 4- 5- S. Sosin, C. Moldovan, R. Iosub ; Designing and fabrication of a calorimetric micro-sensor for methane sensing, CAS International Semiconductor Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, 2004, pp. 381 384. 6- se08021 7-R. Mohan Kumar, R. Muraliddharan, D. Rajan Babu, K. V. Rajendiran, R. Jayavel, D. Jayaraman, and P.Ramasamy, J. Cryst. Growth 229, 568 ( 2001 ) . 8-K. Meera, R. Muralidharan, R. Jeyavel, and P. Ramasamy, J. Cryst. Growth 263, 510 ( 2004 ) . How to cite Calorimeter Process, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Solar Power II Essay Example For Students
Solar Power II Essay Solar cells today are mostly made of silicon, one of the most common elements on Earth. The crystalline silicon solar cell was one of the first types to be developed and it is still the most common type in use today. They do not pollute the atmosphere and they leave behind no harmful waste products. Photovoltaic cells work effectively even in cloudy weather and unlike solar heaters, are more efficient at low temperatures. They do their job silently and there are no moving parts to wear out. It is no wonder that one marvels on how such a device would function.To understand how a solar cell works, it is necessary to go back to some basic atomic concepts. In the simplest model of the atom, electrons orbit a central nucleus, composed of protons and neutrons. each electron carries one negative charge and each proton one positive charge. Neutrons carry no charge. Every atom has the same number of electrons as there are protons, so, on the whole, it is electrically neutral. The electrons have discrete kinetic energy levels, which increase with the orbital radius. When atoms bond together to form a solid, the electron energy levels merge into bands. In electrical conductors, these bands are continuous but in insulators and semiconductors there is an energy gap, in which no electron orbits can exist, between the inner valence band and outer conduction band . Valence electrons help to bind together the atoms in a solid by orbiting 2 adjacent nucleii, while conduction electrons, being less closely bound to the nucleii, are free to move in response to an applied voltage or electric field. The fewer conduction electrons there are, the higher the electrical resistivity of the material.In semiconductors, the materials from which solar sells are made, the energy gap Eg is fairly small. Because of this, electrons in the valence band can easily be made to jump to the conduction band by the injection of energy, either in the form of heat or light . This explains why the high resistivity of semiconductors decreases as the temperature is raised or the material illuminated. The excitation of valence electrons to the conduction band is best accomplished when the semiconductor is in the crystalline state, i.e. when the atoms are arranged in a precise geometrical formation or lattice.At room temperature and low illumination, pure or so-called intrinsic semiconductors have a high resistivity. But the resistivity can be greatly reduced by doping, i.e. introducing a very small amount of impurity, of the order of one in a million atoms. There are 2 kinds of dopant. Those which have more valence electrons that the semiconductor itself are called donors and those which have fewer are termed acceptors .In a silicon crystal, each atom has 4 valence electrons, which are shared with a neighbouring atom to form a stable tetrahedral structure. Phosphorus, which has 5 valence electrons, is a donor and causes extra electrons to appear in the conduction band. Silicon so doped is called n-type . On the other hand, boron, with a valence of 3, is an acceptor, leaving so-called holes in the lattice, which act like positive charges and render the silicon p-type. The drawings in Figure 1. 2 are 2-dimensional representations of n- and p-type silicon crystals, in which the atomic nucleii in the lattice are indicated by circles and the bonding valence electrons are shown as lines between the atoms. Holes, like electrons, will remove under the influence of an applied voltage but, as the mechanism of their movement is valence electron substitution from atom to atom, they are less mobile than the free conduction electrons .In a n-on-p crystalline silicon solar cell, a shadow junction is formed by diffusing phosphorus into a boron-based base. At the junction, conduction electrons from donor atoms in the n-region diffuse into the p-region and combine with holes in acceptor atoms, producing a layer of negatively-charged impurity atoms. .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 , .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .postImageUrl , .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 , .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0:hover , .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0:visited , .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0:active { border:0!important; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0:active , .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0 .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u023de6046d5de789efe1025a209d3cf0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Heart Of Darkness (3810 words) Essay The opposite action also takes place, holes from acceptor atoms in the p-region crossing into the n-region, combining with electrons and producing positively-charged impurity atoms . The net result of these movements is the disappearance
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