Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Electronic Databases and Networking Research paper essays
Electronic Databases and Networking Research paper essays An electronic database is information stored so that it can be retrieved from a computer terminal. Rubin, Rubin, and Piele (1996), compilers of research sources, point out, A researcher who is reluctant to use computers to find information or who does not know how to do so effectively will be severely handicapped. The advantages of college library electronic databases are that they can be searched much more quickly than their print counterparts, results can be printed or downloaded onto a floppy disk, and at most schools the use of databases is free of charge. Depending of the size of your library, you may have access to such self-service databases as ERIC (700 educational journals and thousands of research reports collected by the U.S Department of Education), INFOTRAC Expanded Academic Index (more than 1,000 journals and newspapers emphasizing communication, history, humanities, law, political science, psychology, religion, sciences, social sciences, and sociology), MEDLINE (some 3,600 journals in biomedicine, health sciences, and medicine), PSYCLIT (more than 1,400 English and foreign-language journals in education, psychology, and sociology), SOCIOFILE (communication, criminal justice, demography, geography, political science, sociology, and speech), and LEXIX/NEXIS (accounting, business, government, law, and medicine) to name just a few. You can use these databases to compile bibliographies and view abstracts, or even full articles, on the computer screen. Reference librarians should know which databases your library subscribes to and can help you learn to access them. Today, anyone with access to personal computer also has access to national and international electronic networks. Most colleges and universities are now connected to the Internet- an international electronic network of networks. This superhighway of information provides access to an ever-increasing number of infor ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Definition of Subject Matter for Inventions and Patents
The Definition of Subject Matter for Inventions and Patents Definition: Subject matter is what something is about. In artwork, the subject matter would be what the artist has chosen to paint, draw or sculpt. In patent law, the subject matter would be the technical content of a patent or patent application found in the description, claims, and drawings. In other words, the subject matter is what the inventor has chosen to invent, and in a patent application, the inventor must reveal the subject matter (invention) in a way dictated by law. Examples: Example 1 The specification must conclude with a claim particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the applicant regards as his invention or discovery. Example 2 The distinction between patentable and unpatentable subject matter continues to be a topic of debate among software developers, academics, lawyers, and USPTO examiners. Example 3 The patented subject matter and additional subject matter still pending in the US and foreign patent offices includes claims to methods and devices for delivering medicinal substances to the interior of cells in various body tissues
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Statement of purpose Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Of purpose - Personal Statement Example On the other hand, teachers are supposed to bless their students with an ample amount of opportunity to form and express their opinions about various happenings worldwide, so that they can develop the ability of critical thinking. Because, educated people are expected to think logically, which can be achieved through reading and discussing about several concepts across different professions in order to develop students with well rounded personality that will assist them in settling with any sort of job. However, developed countries are plagued with the dwelling concept of racism (Giles), while Arab nations are relatively better in this regard because of Islamic teachings of equality and inter-religious tolerance, which are playing an invincible role in purifying the society from racism beliefs. Therefore, Arab society is providing equal educational services to the children belonging from different ethnic and national centers on the globe. Furthermore, technological interventions in t he field of education proved them as enhancing agent for learning because, teachers can access internet in order to provide real life application of the subjects that they are teaching. So, in this way, technology helped students in relating the knowledge with the real time application, which in turn fostered the students’ belief in the practicality of the information that they gathered in the class (Watson and Watson). Thus, internet is participating notably in the effective education of the next generation. Moreover, MRI technology blessed medical students with an opportunity to study hidden human organs without threatening the life of an individual (Bevan, Senn-Reeves and Inventor); therefore, they are able to understand the interdependency of various human organs, which enabled them to devise increasingly effective treatments for commonly fatal diseases. In the light of above literature, the significant role of teachers in terms of shaping the future of the nation because , they are the ones with the responsibility of training and developing the future intellectual capital for the nations. However, teachers are benefiting from the internet in order to facilitate students’ learning process through making them witness the practical application of the knowledge they are learning, which will help them in relating the knowledge with the outside world that assist them in attaining excellence in their respective field. Nevertheless, teachers’ prime responsibility is to foster self-confidence of his or her students, so that they can make effective and timely decisions in their lives. At the same time, I consider myself fully capable of enrolling in the English doctorate program of Claremont University. Because, I posses sufficient experience in teaching English in international schools, which makes me an ideal candidate in this regard because, English is a necessary skill in order to survive in the shrinking global village, which is characteriz ed with the convergence of values and norms internationally. However, nationalism is becoming weakened in the globalized educational and economical world. Therefore, it is imperative for the students in Saudi Arabia to learn both oral and written English, so that they can be acceptable in the outside world. On the other hand, I can also integrate modern
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critical Thinking and Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critical Thinking and Writing - Essay Example The use of first person in the poem informs the purpose of and the message carried by the poem. By referring to her personal self, the author draws the line between â€Å"it’s about me†and â€Å"it’s not about me.†If the author had presented the poem in third person, the subject matter of the poem would have been different from what is communicated in first person. In this respect, presenting the poem in first person best suits the intention of the author with regard to the underlying message in the poem. Audience to this poem can be diverse and dynamic. In light of enjoying the poem more, however, groups that need motivation and inspiration constitute a perfect audience. Such groups could be persons seeking employment positions, especially in fields that require direct relations and interactions with diverse communities. Social workers for example would enjoy this poem most. This is due to the nature of their professional duties, which are directly executed in community
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Problems of Pakistan Essay Example for Free
Problems of Pakistan Essay PROBLEMS OF PAKISTAN AND THEIR SOLUTIONS OUTLINE: 1.INTRODUCTION 2.PROBLEMS OF PAKISTANS A. INNER PROBLEMS a.TERRORISM b.SECTERIAN VIOLANCE c.ENERGY CRISIS d.POOR RULE OF LAW e.ECONOMIC MELTDOWN f.CORRUPTION g.POLITICAL DESTABILITY h.FLOODS i.INJUSTICE j.LACK OF NATIONAL INTEGRITY k.POVERTY l.UNEMPLOYMENT m.INFLATION B. OUTER PROBLEMS a.DRONE ATTACKS b.FOREIGN DEBTS c.LACK OF FDI d.WEAK FOREIGN POLICY SOLUTIONS a.TO CURB THE TERRORISM BY DIALOGUES AND MILIATRY OPERATIONS b.ENERGY CRISIS SHOULD BE TACKELED IMMIDIATELY c.RULE OF LAW SHOULD BE MIANTAINED AT ANY COST d.LONG AND SHORT TERM ECONOMIC POLICIES SHOULD BE LOUNCHED TO OVERCOME ECONOMIC PROBLEMS e.DAMS SHOULD BE MADE TO CURB WITH FLOODS f.UNEMPLOYMENT,POVERTY AND INJUSTICE SHOULD BE ERADICATED g.FAIR AND TRANSPARENT SYSTEM SHOULD BE LOUNCHED TO COPE WITH CORRUPTION h.ATMOSPHERE OF NATIONAL INTEGRITY SHOULD BE INSTALLED i.EFFECTIVE FOREIGN POLICY SHOULD BE MADE TO COPE WITH DRONE ATTACKS j.FOREIGN DEBTS SHOULD BE MINIMIZED CONCLUSION ESSAY: Today, pakostan is facing various problems. The intesity of these problems is increasing day by day.Infact, there are two types of problems, the inner problems and the outer problems.The inner problems like terrorism, secterian violance,target killing,energy crisis,economic meltdown,destability, poor rule of law,floods ,corruption ,injustice,poverty,unemployment,inflation and social disorder are weakining the country very fastly.On the other hand, the outer problems like drone attacks, weak foreign policy ,foreign debts,lack of foreign direct ivestment and foreign intervention are aloso detriorating the country to high extent.Owing to these problems the progress and development of the country has almost jammed.The economy of the country has shunned,the political destability has emerged,mobs and chaos has become the order of every day,religious intolrence has reached to its peak and the image of country has gone bad to worset.To overcome these problems, the government should take all necessary steps with proper planning.All the strategies should installed with tranparency to curb these problems.All the institutions and concerned authorities should lounche their steps in unity to cope these menaces.Apart from government, the individuals should also cooperate with government in this critical time to save the country.The above mentioned problems and their solutions will be discussed in appropriate manners in next paragraphs.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is one of the most important molecules in any organism. DNA is like an instruction manual for the cell to make new proteins. DNA is made up of two long chains of nucleotides wound up into a helical shape. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, pentose sugar and one of four possible nitrogenous bases (Adenine, Guanine, Thymine or Cytosine). A group of three of the bases of the corresponding sequence to the protein required makes up one amino acid. This is known as the Triplet code. A chain of amino acids is the protein. These proteins can be used for a large variety of tasks ranging from simply allowing chemicals to pass (channel proteins) to the more complex task of fighting diseases (antibodies). This wide range of uses for proteins allows us to use and manipulate it artificially to our needs. Gene therapy is used to treat diseases caused by faulty genes by fixing the faulty genes. This is done by introducing the correct gene in place of the faulty one. The correct gene would have been developed outside the body in a laboratory. The normal gene is transported by a carrier called a vector which is usually a virus due to their nature of attacking the sufferer’s body and inserting their genetic material, however, the viral vector is modified so it cannot cause the patient any harm. Once the vector has released the correct gene into the cell, the cell then begins to produce the correct proteins. Gene therapy can be very useful in the field of science as it can help discover different methods of inserting genetic material into a cell. Genetic engineering isn’t only advantageous in medicine, but also in farming as farmers will have the freedom of choice when it comes to selecting the type of ... ...he protein of the desired characteristics. These characteristics can include physical appearance, preventing genetic disorders and even intelligence although, there are many ethical issues surrounding this particular use of DNA technology. If the ethical issues are overcome, soon, the average intelligence of the human population will increase massively leading to much more discoveries and technological advancements. In the end, DNA is a very useful molecule which can and has been used vastly in science and technology to improve the lives of many people in the present and for the future generations. DNA technology has been the pinnacle of medical science due to the role it plays in an organism therefore has been one of the key fields for scientists to explore allowing it to advance massively over the past few years and continue to progress in the foreseeable future.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Why Hemp Prduction Should Be Legal in the Us
Uses of Hemp and its Potential Contributions to the United States Hemp is a crop that has been used for many things for many years. The fibers are used for things such as clothes, construction materials, paper, carpet, oil, food, cosmetics, food, and many other things. The hemp industry has been around for as long as ten thousand years. There was a piece of hemp fabric found from around eight thousand BC showing its importance to many civilizations throughout the years. Nowadays, hemp is an agricultural commodity in many nations. Canada is known to be one of the largest hemp growers in the world and use it for a large number of industries.Some countries export hemp products all around the world and use it as a vital part of their economy. The United States is among the few countries that does not permit the production of hemp. The value of hemp has gone unrecognized for many years in the U. S. Out of the industrialized countries in the world, the U. S. is the only country to ban the growth of this crop. The legalization of hemp production in The United States would put many farmers back to work as well as create a very ecological and environmentally safe alternative to multiple harmful industries.From when Europeans first came to North America till the Middle of the nineteenth century, hemp was grown all over. Its availability was useful for many families and companies. Hemp was also grown by two of our first presidents because of its versatility and efficient uses. The Declaration of independence was in fact, written on hemp paper. Hemp was actually a required crop in the Colonial times. It became a commodity and was an overall great use of land. The name â€Å"cannabis†comes from a variation of â€Å"canvas†because of hemps use in sails for boats.Before cotton, hemp was very common in forms of fibers which could be used for twine, paper and many other things. Once people came out with cotton gins and other very efficient ways to harvest and ma ke fabric out of cotton, hemp became a less competitive material. Also, imported materials began to take over the hemp industry. Throughout the 1930’s, people realized the euphoric effects of the plant and began to isolate and genetically develop the leaves and flowers to get a plant that produced large amounts of the desired chemical. This plant is known as marijuana.This is when laws began to pass restricting restrictive laws that only allowed the industrial use of cannabis in the form of hemp. During World War Two, the federal government actually paid farmers and encouraged them to continue to grow hemp. Its availability was greatly taken advantage of during the war. Between the war and the late 1950’s, other synthetic fibers for various materials were a competitive industry causing less and less hemp growth in the United States. Also, many efforts were made by the public to illegalize drugs. This contributed to the fade out of hemp use. Mass, 2009) The Controlled S ubstances Act was passed in 1970 making hemp illegal to cultivate without a permit. These permits were very difficult to get through the DEA. From this point on, all hemp products come from other countries or the hemp materials used to make things are also imported. Now days, about half of the states in the nation are pushing to legalize the industrial uses of hemp. They are conducting studies to consider the economic and environmental value of hemp. These states want to be able to grow hemp industrially based on state law.They would like to be able to do so without a permit from the federal government. This would override the Controlled Substance Act unless they redefine hemp as not a controlled substance. Hemp cannot be hidden in fields. It is very tall and grown very close together for maximum stalk. Hemp fibers come from the stalk of the plant therefore leaves and flowers are of no use to hemp growers. Hemp is also harvested before the plant even begins to seed. This differs fro m marijuana in the sense that marijuana growers spread out their crop to maximize leaves and flowers.Marijuana is usually grown for the seed and flower buds solely for the high. Hemp on the other hand is never grown for smoking. The purpose of growing hemp is for the multitude of uses of the stalk fibers. When looking at hemp from an environmental standpoint, it is a very healthy crop for the earth. From planting all the way to using its products, hemp is a very environmentally friendly plant. As it grows, hemp fertilizes the soil through its complex and deep root systems as well as the top soil that comes from the shedding of leaves. The soil, the water and the air are not polluted during the growth of hemp.Pesticides are rarely used giving clean water runoff. This differs from crops like cotton because when cotton is grown, the soil becomes nutrient deficient and the soil becomes less desirable. There have been farmers who claim hemp has steadily been grown in the same locations e very year for nearly one hundred years. Many people are concerned about the use of trees for paper. Hemp would be a great alternative to this issue as well because the amount of pulp a farmer can get from hemp over a season is much more than timber. Trees take many years to grow and hemp is replenished in a matter of months.The process of turning hemp into paper uses much less contamination in the pressing and bleaching processes. Other interesting facts about hemp paper are described in Hemp: The New, Old Fiber Makes a Comeback for Clothes, Fabrics and Home Furnishings. â€Å"Hemp fiber paper resists decomposition and does not yellow with age when an acid-free process is used. The long fibers in hemp allow hemp paper to be recycled more times than wood-based paper. †(Mass, 2009) The rapid growth speed of hemp makes it one of the most efficient crops in the sense of yield per acre. Hemp can produce 250 percent more fiber than cotton and 600 percent more fiber than flax using the same amount of land†(Mass, 2009). In further comparison of hemp and cotton, the fibers that are obtained from hemp stalks and bark, include the very long bast fibers. These types of fibers are stronger and a better insulator. After the harvest, the goal is to make the crop into some sort of textile that can be distributed to other companies for various uses. This process is extensive for any crop however; the processes used in hemp cause significantly less damage to the earth than other materials such as cotton.The process does use a large amount of water that will become more efficient in the future but compared to processes for other textiles, hemp is a better choice ecologically. Going into the uses for hemp, it is not destructive to the environment which shows it is a great alternative to many other materials that share the same uses as hemp. Some of hemp’s uses that are ecologically more efficient than others are; paper products, textiles, molded plastics, bo dy care products, construction, livestock feed and breeding, nutritional supplements, essential oils, medicines, food and many more. Small, 2002) With clothing, hemp is warmer than cotton and breathes better than cotton, leather and other materials widely used for clothing. â€Å"Hemp’s fiber molecule has a shaft-like structure that allows it to: wick moisture off the body and dry quickly; allow the wearer to feel warmer when wet, even in cold conditions; keep the wearer cool, comfortable and fresh, even in very hot and/or humid conditions. †(Mass, 2009) One material made from hemp that is very versatile, is plastics.John Wolodko, an advanced materials program leader gives his word on plastics, â€Å"This is traditionally made from fiberglass†¦ Products made from biocomposites work as well as those made from conventional materials, with the advantages of being lighter and less expensive. The ability of environmentally friendly products to compete with non-renewa ble products like fiberglass makes for a competitive and promising future for the biocomposites industry. †(Edmonton, 2009) Plastic is used in so many things from lawn chairs to automobile body parts to toothbrushes.This new process for plastics would be a fantastic alternative to the previous fiberglass methods. As an antibacterial fabric, hemp clothing is good for people with allergies to some chemicals that are included in the processes of other clothing materials. It also won’t begin to smell bad as fast as other materials. A big positive quality of hemp is that it is completely biodegradable as well as very strong and resistant to the wear and tear of daily life. It is great for people who are outside in nature a lot due to these qualities.Hemp can also be converted into a fuel in the form of pellets or liquid gas. This energy source, according to the U. S. Department of Energy, â€Å"requires the least specialized growing and processing procedures of all hemp pr oducts†. Fuel and energy is a major concern in our country and hemp could contribute significantly to the problems we face. Countries such as Great Britain and Germany had hemp bans like the United States but have lifted those in the last 20 years. Farmers in Europe are subsidized for their hemp output by the EU.Canada allows hemp production for commercial use and it is a large part of their economy. Hemp is a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to a wide variety of the United States industries and the legalization of hemp production on the commercial level would be a great addition to our country on an environmental and economic level.References Bourrie, M. (2003). Hemp: A Short History of the Most Misunderstood Plant and its Uses and Abuses. Firefly Books. Edmonton, A. (2009, October 31). Unconventional Crop – hemp – could sprout new industry. Troy Media. Retrieved October 29, 2010, from Unconventional crop – hemp – could sprout new indu stry Read more: Unconventional crop – hemp – could sprout new industry | Troy Media Corporation http://www. troymedia. com/? p=4791#ixzz14R5QAUP7 Mass, E. (2009, May). Hemp: The New, Old Fiber Makes a Comeback for Clothes, Fabrics and Home Furnishings. Natural Life, 127, 36-38. Retrieved November 1, 2010, from EBSCO database. Small, E. and D. Marcus. 2002. Hemp: A new crop with new uses for North America. p. 284–326. In: J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds. ), Trends in new crops and new uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Designing Activity Systems Research Essay
The greatest challenge facing an Activity-Theory-based approached to researching interconnected networks and activity systems is the tension between the necessarily holistic view of â€Å"better contextuality†suggested by Kuuti, and the need for an appropriate level of analytic abstraction and â€Å"generalizable†research results required for the research to have utility across disciplines (as cited in Nardi, 1996, p. 22; Nardi, 1996, p. 70). This tension can be partially mitigated by focusing simultaneously on object/motive-oriented research of individuals and on community-object-oriented research of larger subject communities. Thus in a research setting, the object, activity, and operation levels of each individual subject would be documented, both as subjectively articulated in interviews, and as prescribed in that individual’s task description. The overarching community object, activity, and operation levels of the various interacting subject communities would also be documented, in terms of a written prospectus of the group’s initial goals and any obtainable data regarding any sub-group’s particular objects, either explicitly or implicitly stated. Because of the magnitude of data likely resulting from such research techniques, trends from the collected data are probably best analyzed through statistics-based computer modeling. Any truly contextual understanding of activity systems requires researchers to pay close attention in particular to what Kuuti calls action-operation dynamics, noting when and how, for individual subjects, the orientation phase of a given action has passed and the action has been internalized as operation (as cited in Nardi, 1996, p. 31). This phenomenon could be identified in a number of ways. For instance, when individuals begin to elide unnecessary orientation-phase-steps in a process, or when they have re-articulated their objects to indicate a broadening of scope, it is likely because they have moved beyond the orientation phase for a given action and internalized it as operation. Research into interrelated activity systems and networks also requires a nuanced understanding of how community subjects interact, both which each other and with individual subjects. Documenting these interactions through research would require a thorough enumeration of how both formal and informal subject groups affect one another, and the specific â€Å"contradictions†that they exhibit through their objects (Kutti as cited in Nardi, 1996, p. 34). For example, to fully define and therefore research the activity of a software company working on a new database platform, researchers would need to understand the myriad goals of each sub-group and engineer within the company, as well as the company’s larger goals, and the intentions of competing companies. This would require ongoing observation and interview data, and given the vast amounts of data likely to be mined in this process, a computer-based, statistical approach would likely be most effective. Situated Action vs. Activity Theory Because Situated Action Models explicitly reject an intention or goal-based definition of action, they do not lend themselves well to analytical abstraction. Each model being â€Å"inextricably embedded in a particular situation,†no two models are likely to offer enough commonality to allow comparison across situations, let alone across disciplines (Nardi, 1996, p. 1). Activity Theory, by contrast, offers its fundamental tenet as its organizing schema: consciousness and intent are the defining the elements of all activity (Nardi, 1996, p. 11). This perspective has several benefits. First, since Situated Action refuses to consider a subject’s intent in its analysis, â€Å"the activity can only be known as it plays out in situ†(Nardi, 1996, p. 82). This means that Situated Action researchers must posit their own interpretation of a subject’s actions, and ignore the subject’s stated intention. Such â€Å"constructed rationalizations†are more the province of speculative psychology than observational science (Nardi, 1996, p. 82). This view appears even more absurd in light of the fact that Situated Action offers no explanation as to why, despite its guiding premise, human subjects invariably do explain their actions through their intentions, and often â€Å"demand or believe†such explanations from others (Nardi, 1996, p. 81). Second, Activity Theory, by starting from the premise that intention and consciousness are fundamental elements in the definition of action, immediately offers a means of demarcating and understanding activity that Situated Action Models lack (Nardi, 1996, p. 83). As Nardi points out, two subjects in identical environments may display disparate actions that can only be parsed in light of each subject’s intent or object (Nardi, 1996, p. 83). Using the â€Å"object†as the organizing rinciple further allows Activity Theory to maintain a consistent analytical schema across disciplines and at varying levels of generality. For instance, both individual subjects and subject communities can be parsed according to the subject/object and object/action/operation paradigm. Lastly, Activity Theory allows research to continue over a â€Å"longer time horizon†because, while the situations examined in Situated Action Models tend to be quite ephemeral, the objects of Activity Theory may persist for months or years (Nardi, 1996, p. 3). This allows research of a given subject to proceed cumulatively, and not be wasted as soon as a given situation expires. It further allows researchers to focus on a higher level of abstraction, recurrence, and commonality than Situated Action Models, and to avoid the â€Å"claustrophobic thicket of descriptive detail†that becomes necessary when disregarding intentionality (Nardi, 1996, p. 92).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Why you should interview for a job you don’t want
Why you should interview for a job you don’t want Job hunting is a lot of work, whether you’re unemployed or looking while working. You put so much effort into revamping your resume, networking in person and online, and writing cover letters with the hopes of landing something truly great. And then, after weeks or months of the hunt, there’s a bite- you’re offered an interview. But, you’re not excited. At all. Maybe you’re waiting to hear back from your dream company. Maybe you’re just hesitant to accept anything less than awesome before you’ve really gotten yourself out there. You might think the best use of your time is to decline politely and wait for something better to come along. But sometimes it’s smart to take the interview, even when you already know you don’t want the job. Here are some reasons why.You might find you do want the job.You never know when the job you don’t think you want turns out to be a perfect fit. Part of the interview process, we often forget, is for the company to sell you on the position (not just for you to sell yourself to them). Go in, see the workplace, and let them woo you. Find out about the company culture and meet the people with whom you’ll be working. On paper, it’s hard to get a sense of what the day-to-day of a job will be like. In person, your perspective might shift. Don’t cut out options before you know everything about them.Practice makes perfect.The more you get used to putting on your most professional clothes, signing in at an unfamiliar front desk, and sitting in front of strangers while they ask you about your professional expertise, the better you will get at the entire process. If you’re at the start of your career or haven’t been on the market for a while, every interview is excellent practice for the next interview you get. You’ll get your anecdotes down pat and start to get a sense of the questions managers in your chosen field ask people at yo ur level. You’ll want to be as sharp as possible for the interview you’ll get for your dream job. Get all the kinks out when the stakes are low and you’re not buzzing with nerves.You might meet someone to connect with down the line.It’s also always possible that you will meet someone in the course of interviewing who can lead you to your dream job. First, if you get an appointment with a recruiter, they often interview for multiple positions- and sometimes at different companies. Comport yourself professionally and you never know what networking wins you might rack up- he or she will keep you in mind for gigs in the future. Second, if you make a great impression but ultimately turn down the position, you now know a face and name at the company. Maybe for your next move you’ll want to touch base to see what’s open. You can absolutely do so if you rock your interview- even if you don’t take the job.You can use an offer for leverage.Say you really want job X, but they’re dragging their feet in making decisions or final offers. Maybe you’re even on a third or fourth round of interviews. But you’ve also interviewed for jobs Y and Z- and both have made offers. Now you can go back to job X and tell them other companies are vying for you. Don’t be too forceful or demanding; just be truthful. You can politely tell them you have other offers on the table and ask about their decision timeline. Being in demand is always a desirable trait.Bottom line: be careful not to waste your time, especially if you’re still working full time and have to steal away for interviews. If you know there’s no possible way you want to work at a certain company or in a specific position, don’t take the interview. Use your judgment and feel free to pass up duds. Just don’t stay away if you’re not totally certain a job isn’t for you.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Seasonable vs. Seasonal
Seasonable vs. Seasonal The words seasonable and seasonal both relate to the seasons of the year, but their meanings arent quite the same. The adjective seasonable means usual or suitable for a particular season of the year; taking place at an appropriate time. The adjective seasonal means relating to, dependent on, or characteristic of a particular season of the year. See Usage Notes, below. Examples After enduring two years of severe drought, we are finally enjoying some seasonable weather this summer.The old English song â€Å"John Barleycorn Must Die†describes the seasonal ritual of rendering grain into ale. Usage Notes Heat and humidity are seasonable here in summer means theyre normal for this season of the year. Sentimentality is seasonal at Christmas means its typical or characteristic of Christmas seasons. Seasonable can also mean opportune or in time, as in Their arrival was seasonable, just when we hoped for it. If people arrive seasonably, they are on time or even a bit early; if they arrive seasonally, they visit annually at about the same season of the year. Never use seasonable for seasonal (the other possible confusion almost never occurs.) Unseasonable, unseasonal, unseasonably, and unseasonally are precise antonyms of seasonable, seasonal, seasonably, and seasonally respectively.(Kenneth G. Wilson, The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. Columbia University Press, 1993)Seasonal is used much more frequently than seasonable. A seasonal job is one that is available only at a particular time of the year: seasonal employment such as selling ice-creams in the summer. A seasonal chan ge is one that takes place at a particular time of the year: Allowing for seasonal factors, unemployment dropped slightly last month.(Martin H. Manser, Dictionary of English Spelling. Wordsworth, 1999) If youre talkin winter, spring, summer or fall, youre talkin seasonal; only if youre talkin about whats right and proper for those times are you correct to use seasonable.(William Safire, The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time. Simon Schuster, 2004) Practice (a) The lack of _____ clothing was one of the greatest hardships experienced by the children of the frontier.(b) In the early nineteenth century, there was a significant increase in the scale of _____ migration from Ireland to Britain during the harvest season. Answers (a) The lack of seasonable clothing was one of the greatest hardships experienced by the children of the frontier.(b) In the early nineteenth century, there was a significant increase in the scale of seasonal migration from Ireland to Britain during the harvest season.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Economic History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Economic History - Essay Example With respect to the role of Hayek in the socialist calculation debate, he reveals his position with respect to the possibilities of planning. While arguing against the possibility that is associated with planning in the case of the socialist calculation debate, Friedrich Hayek worked on two major theoretical papers. These include; â€Å"The Meaning of Competition†and â€Å"The use of Knowledge is Society†. Both of Hayek’s works were aimed at serving as a disproof to a fellow economist named Oscar Lange as well as the endorsements that he had made regarding a planned economy. This paper will evaluate Hayek’s works; â€Å"Meaning of Rivalry†and â€Å"The Adoption of Knowledge in Society†, to help determine his position with respect to the possibilities of planning for the economy. Based on his work, â€Å"Meaning of Competition†, Hayek reveals the benefits that are associated with a free market, which has not been subjected to the regulations that the government imposes to regulate the market. Instead, he reveals that the suppression of competition is among the major evils that prevail in a society, which experience has revealed to be a regular consequence. Also, these evils are also different from those imperfections that are affiliated with rivalry. Hayek stipulates that competition is an essential process that facilitates in the formation of different points of view. This is because it is efficient in terms of facilitating for the spread of information to diverse parties. It also facilitates in the creation of coherence and unity in the economic system, which most people presuppose whenever they treat it as one market. With a coherent and united economic system, it becomes possible for people to identify the goals that they have in common, and hence adopt approaches that can help them to boost the productivity and competitiveness of their society (Vaughn 537). Competition helps people to understand the best product for them and where
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